Learn about measurement uncertainty for both testing and calibration laboratories.
Learn a practical approach to measurement uncertainty (MU) applications, based on fundamental practices. Hear about MU for both testing and calibration laboratories and understand the steps required, accepted practices, and the types of uncertainties that need to be considered by an accredited laboratory.
Understand the importance of Measurement Uncertainties (MUs) and their marketplace impacts on tests and measurements. Attendees will learn techniques to calculate best measurement capabilities.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the need for measurement uncertainty
- Examine international practices and practical statistics
- Understand uncertainties and budgets
- Understand and calculate specific examples for measurement uncertainty
It is recommended that attendees have had exposure to some uncertainty budgets and have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own examples.
Who Should Attend:
Laboratory management or technical staff responsible for the review of uncertainties and the calculation of uncertainties, assessors, and consultants for organizations seeking or maintaining accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025.